Joe Sciulli over at CHANCE Management Advisers, Inc., penned a well received article in PT November, written in his usual cynical approach, regaling us on ways to provide horrible customer service. It was titled 12 Easy Steps to Really Bad Customer Service. He sent me a note mentioning that today he had personally been caught in his ‘step’ number 10 which reads in the magazine:
Be sure to post any “ramp closed” sign as close to the ramp as possible, never at the head of an aisle or at a point where a fruitless turn can be avoided. And be sure the sign is as small as possible, and hand written (illegibly, if possible).
His addenda follows:
Well, let’s call this one STEP 10A. If you place barrels or other barricades in an entry lane that’s down for maintenance, be sure they can’t be seen from the street until drivers are already committed to the approach. Take extra credit by not posting a notice of the closure near the side streets that could have be used to reach the garage’s only other entrance. And put extra icing on your cupcake when the surrounding traffic patterns dictate a seven-block detour to reach the lone working entrance. But just be sure not to strain your back when you plant that tree near the garage to offset the emissions from your customers’ extra stop-and-go driving during the morning rush.
Come on Joe, don’t hold back, tell us what you really think.