“Parking Jobs for Veterans and Veterans for Parking Jobs” is the credo of a newly formed Not-for-Profit organization called Veterans in Parking. Veterans in Parking (ViP) was founded by a group of parking industry professionals that recognized the value of employing our military veterans within our industry.
The intent is to become “match-makers” by introducing veterans with honorable discharges from the military, or even those veterans still serving in the National Guard or Reserves, to employers in our industry that could benefit from their professionalism, skill sets and leadership abilities. Military service in not a pre-requisite for membership in ViP. Civilian personnel with no military background are encouraged to join our ranks, as well.
The intent is to become “match-makers” by introducing veterans to employers in our industry.
Support for, and belief in our mission statement, and involvement in the parking industry, are the only requirements for membership (along with payment of minimal dues). Employers in the parking industry will be afforded the opportunity to invest in sponsorships with ViP, thereby giving them access to a database of resumes and even providing the opportunity to direct recruit through involvement in military job fairs with ViP.
The recruitment of veterans is going to involve an educational process highlighting the jobs and opportunities that our industry affords. The predominance of technology and innovation in our industry is not readily apparent to most of the public and it is the job of ViP to educate our veterans as to those aspects.
ViP is not focused on any specific skill sets or job opportunities. We want to be able to offer job opportunities across the spectrum of our industry, from entry level to senior management positions.
Mission Statement:
Veterans in Parking (ViP) is a Not for Profit Organization comprised of U.S. Military Veterans and Civilians affiliated with the parking industry in the United States. ViP was founded by a group of Parking Professionals that recognized an opportunity to create an organization that would help recruit, hire and place Military Veterans into careers within the Parking industry. The only requirements for active membership in ViP are to have been Honorably Discharged from U.S Military service or currently be on Active Duty, National Guard or Reserve duty status (Military member) or to be involved in the Parking Industry and have a desire to promote the goals and principles of the ViP Organization (Civilian member).
The technological advances in Parking have created tremendous opportunities for future employment and career development and it is the intent of ViP to leverage the unique skills and talents of those with military service to help fill the ranks of our industry. The Parking Industry, like every industry in the United States, owes a debt of gratitude to our Veterans and would benefit greatly by employing those same Veterans and take advantage of their courage and leadership skills to help guide their companies into a profitable future. ViP is funded by Membership dues and donations from the Parking Industry and related companies and those donors are recognized by sponsorship levels as determined by the ViP Board of Directors. We do not discriminate against any perspective or active members based on race, creed, handicap or religion.
For additional information about why our military veterans are such a valuable resource for our industry, please visit our web site: https://www.vetsinparking.com.
On our website, you will also find links to download our mission statement, membership application, listing of sponsorship opportunities and submittal of resumes and job postings. ViP can be reached by email at: admin@vetsinparking.com or by phone at: (888) 400-3170.