We at FAAC would like to express our sincerest gratitude goes to those that have served and continue to serve. We appreciate the sacrifice that requires and we honor those that have done so such that we are safe, enjoy the freedoms we have, and benefit from the great country that we live in.
As an international company, we sit in an unusual position that gives us the perspective of gratitude from a multitude of angles. We are grateful to be here. Appreciate where we came from. And are blessed to be experiencing this time because of the service men and women of this country past and present.
At FAAC International, we employ people from multiple backgrounds. Some whom have served, some whom have not, people from all across the globe and all walks of life. The freedom for us to be able to offer work to so many, in a country that is willing to allow that, in a culture that is extremely diverse – is a reflection of both this country and our company.
We serve each other – and if we continue to do so with integrity, honor and humility – the struggles that we are all encountering this year shall pass, and we will be the better for it, stronger as individuals, stronger as a team, and more capable than before. Ready to serve. Honored to do so.
So, our deepest thanks again for those who served and continue to serve this country.