Airport parking reservations make 2,000,000


Airport parking reservations make 2,000,000

Congratulations to Tom Lombardi and his They have hit the two million mark in reservations in their 10 years of existence. Good Job. Read about it here.

I have to admit that I was one of the ones who told Tom he was nuts when he started his company. I thought it was a solution in search of a problem. I was wrong, and told him that a few years ago.

I couldn't understand why anyone would want to reserve parking. There was usually (except for holidays) plenty of parking available at airports, you could just go down and follow the signs. I didn't take into consideration that everyone doesn't live like I do, and understands how to find parking at the airport.

I also didn't realize that many people don't use airports often, maybe traveling every couple of years and can be easily confused by the chaos that normally surrounds major airports. Even seasoned travelers may want to make reservations just to have one less thing to think about when they head for a trip.

In addition, you can check the services offered (valet, shuttle, free water, etc) and compare prices before you reserve the space. And of course at holiday times, you will have a space available.

There is another similar program out there that provides reserved parking for events. That too, it seems to me, would be of benefit.

I'm still not convinced that the concept of on line parking reservations is appropriate for someone just going downtown to visit their attorney or doctor. The problem is that if you reserve a space in a lot, and then get there and find there is a lot a block closer and a dollar cheaper, you are stuck.

All the best to Tom and his company. What a great milestone.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

One Response

  1. Thank you John for your kind words on our 2 millionth reservation.
    As for downtown parking, if you don’t make a reservation, you may get there and find out that if you did reserve online you would have not only got that lot a block closer but at a cheaper price and now it is full and you have to park blocks away.
    As for event parking, the closer lots fill up fast. But if you want to be there just in time for “tip off” or “first pitch” you can’t park close unless you reserve in advance.
    I guess it is a “why not” moment when you think of where you are going to park.
    Tom Lombardi

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