A Lesson in Digital Transformation for Mobility


A Lesson in Digital Transformation for Mobility

Ask yourself this question: What’s the percentage of parking operators that have adopted digital transactions? The answer is not many—under 10 percent. Now, think about the everyday services you use or your purchase habits, and how much of either takes place on your phone or laptop. Chances are that many of your daily errands or routines have moved to digital.

So, why hasn’t mobility or parking caught up with the broader digital transformation trends?

You’re not alone in wondering the same question, and mobility operators now use it as fuel to drive their practices. More operators are realizing the opportunities inherent in adapting to digital.

However, digital transformation isn’t simply an isolated event where you might introduce a singular element to your business. It’s a holistic business strategy that systematically repositions your operations, management, and technology to work across the digital spectrum. It affects your supply chain, the way you interact with customers, and how you manage business intelligence.

This is no simple transformation. Particularly for mobility and parking—industries that are still highly attached to analog and cash transactions. That’s not stopping operators such as LAZ Parking from embracing the switch and utilizing digital transformation as the pathway to the future of mobility. Far from staying content with an ambiguous mix of traditional and digital operations, LAZ is forward-thinking and assertive.

Article contributed by the Parking PT team.
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