


This is PT’s Lighting Issue. We were puzzled as to how to approach the subject. Have a consultant write on the different technologies? How about asking a vendor to write an article that is “generic?” How about something from a user? What will help the potential purchaser of a lighting system?
In the end we considered two basic facts. That manufacturers actually know the most about the topic and that they are biased about their own product. Now what?
We asked a dozen manufacturers to tell their stories. Either as case studies or as product descriptions. We then did some judicious editing to take out the “our’s is good because it’s our’s” material and the result is what you see on the following pages. The names of the sources are either in the articles or at the end. You can contact them directly if you like.
In the end it boils down to something like this. Technology is moving so fast that by the time you decide what to do, there may be something ‘better’ on the market. There is no question that upgrading 30 year old technology will probably pay for itself in power savings in a few short years. There is also no question that current technology will also provide a better, brighter garage.
Who should supply it? What technology should I use? That is a business decision you must make for yourself. In the end, talk to a number of suppliers, get references, understand the finances, and then make the best business decision for you. If there was only one right answer, there would be only one supplier. Good Luck.
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The editors, Parking Today
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