NPA Honors Richard G. Hatfield With Harwood Leadership & Legends Award


NPA Honors Richard G. Hatfield With Harwood Leadership & Legends Award

 The National Parking Association (NPA) has named Richard G. Hatfield the recipient of the parking industry’s highest honor, the Brett Harwood Leadership & Legends Award. This prestigious national honor recognizes lifelong leadership, excellence and integrity.
Hatfield founded Colonial Parking in 1956, and continues to manage the regional organization today. For more than 50 years, he has dedicated his career to the growth and development of the parking profession, the NPA said, calling him an advocate for economic development and the value of parking as part of urban planning.
“The NPA Board of Directors selected Hatfield as the 2015 honoree for his exemplary national leadership as an advocate for industry professionalism [and] certification, and for his leading role in developing the NPA as a best-practices resource for the parking industry,” said NPA President Christine Banning, CAE.
Hatfield served on the NPA Board of Directors and as NPA Board President in the mid-1970s, and continues as a member of its National Leadership Advisory Board. His sons, Jed and Greg, serve as national leaders within the parking industry.
Recognizing that a vital parking climate requires a vital economic climate, the senior Hatfield is a Past President of the Committee of 100 in Wilmington, DE. He also served as a Chairman of the Elwyn Institute; as a Board Director for Artisans’ Bank; and as a member of the Rotary Club of Wilmington. 
He has been a guest lecturer at the University of Delaware’s Entrepreneurship program, and the Leadership Luncheon of the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce.
[Source: National Parking Association]
Article contributed by the Parking PT team.
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