NPA Leads Industry in Parking Research


NPA Leads Industry in Parking Research

The National Parking Association (NPA) is leading the industry in parking research with the upcoming release of its Parking Market Demand Report and with recent releases of other groundbreaking trends reports.
NPA Member Denison Parking of Indianapolis will sponsor the first Parking Market Demand Report, due this month. This is the NPA’s first-ever corporate sponsorship for a multi-year research study.
“The NPA believes in the importance of authoritative, statistically valid industry data and analysis that provide the parking industry with economic, industry and trending data,” said NPA Chairman Jeff Wolfe, President of The Car Park. “The NPA has developed the most robust research program in the parking industry to provide current, reliable and useful data on the industry, its future and impact in the marketplace.”
Denison President and CEO Mark Pratt, a former NPA Board Member, serves as chairman of its National Research Committee and as vice-chairman of its National Leadership Advisory Council to the Board of Directors.
“This is a major industry undertaking that signals that the NPA is focused on the knowledge, issues and business conditions that affect the parking industry,” Pratt said. “Denison is proud to play a role in providing important research that advances our industry.”
Denison has made a four-year commitment to the NPA and parking research, which will deliver two national studies on the industry. In the last two years, Denison and the NPA have launched four major research studies.
The new Parking Market Demand Report will provide an in-depth analysis of the macroeconomic, demographic, employment, travel and industry statistics that measure the potential of parking demand. The report will be the first of its kind to assemble substantive research data, analyze the data, and draw correlations between market conditions and their relationship to the parking industry.
Purchasing Power Report Outlines 2013 Decision-Maker Trends, Preferences, Buying Plans
The top three products and services on the minds of parking industry buyers in 2013 are revenue control, facilities equipment and supplies, and computer hardware and software, according to the NPA’s 2012-2013 Parking Industry Purchasing Power Report.
The newly available study shows that the top three products and services purchased in 2012, across all segments, will be at the top of the list again in 2013. The biggest drop in parking purchasing from 2012 to 2013 will be seen by municipalities, with a reduction in all categories,
as they struggle with budget reductions and look to hired managed parking services.
Survey findings represent samples from five predominant parking industry sectors: private operators, hospital, academic, valet and public/municipality.
Technology Trends Report Includes Decision-Maker Trends, Technology Adoption, Mobile Tech Usage
The NPA has released its 2012-2013 Technology Trends Report, a North American study analyzing trends, purchasing, buying power and preferences in technology among parking industry professionals.
The study signals technology adoption trends across each sector of the industry, including private, public, college and university segments. It also signals emerging adoption of mobile marketing and pay technologies.
Among the key findings in the report:
•    The top 3 technology adoption areas across all industry sectors are parking access control technology, automated cashiering, and energy efficient fluorescent to LED lighting.
•    The study finds 85% of commercial operators use automated cashiering; 61% of all facilities use energy-efficient fluorescent lighting; and 69% of all parking facilities use access control technologies.
•    The industry is moving to eCommerce and sales automation, with mobile payment, pay-by-cell and online reservations leading
the way.
•    Green technology usage dominates at college and universities. College campuses lead the industry in landscaping, drainage, solar and electric vehicle technologies.
All of the NPA’s research reports are available for purchase at, then go to Research and Publications.
Christine Banning, President of the National Parking Association, can be reached at
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Christine Banning
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