PT’s Marcy Sparrow Takes PIE Sales Reins


PT’s Marcy Sparrow Takes PIE Sales Reins

PT’s Marcy Sparrow Takes PIE Sales Reins
Marcy Sparrow of Parking Today has taken the position of Sales Manager of its parent company’s Parking Industry Exhibition (PIE). In addition to her duties as Sales Director for the magazine, Sparrow will be representing PIE to the more than 140 exhibitors expected to sign up for the 2015 event, set for March 29-April 1 at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare, near the Chicago airport.
Sparrow, who has been representing PT for eight years, is an expert in the promotion and marketing of all those products and services that make parking run smoothly in both on- and off-street applications. She has represented PT at trade events across the country, and from her home in Scottsdale, AZ, is in contact with equipment and service vendors worldwide
Parking vendors, who probably know Sparrow in her advertising sales role, should look forward to a call from her telling them all about PIE 2015. Contact Sparrow at (310) 390-5277 x3, or at
[Sources: Parking Today, PIE, Bricepac Inc.]
Article contributed by the Parking PT team.
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