QuickPay Buys ANAi Global Changes Name to “LocoMobi, Inc”


QuickPay Buys ANAi Global Changes Name to “LocoMobi, Inc”

QuickPay Corp. (“QuickPay”) and Apps Network Appliances Inc. (“ANAi Global”) are pleased to announce that QuickPay has acquired Nautical Technologies, ANAi Global’s Parking, Transit and Tolling Technology division.  In addition, the combined company has adopted a new name, “LocoMobi, Inc.,” that fully reflects its vision of providing innovative solutions to the parking, transit and tolling markets around the globe. Initially, the new company plans to focus on expanding its growing footprint of smart parking deployments across parking operations in the United States and Canada.
The combined company will continue to support all existing partners and product lines. It will offer consumer-facing mobile payments through the QP QuickPay brand, which will continue to be open and integrate with diverse existing parking equipment and systems, and proprietary parking systems through the Nautical Technologies brand. In addition, the company is developing solutions that integrate both technology suites to deliver new value for drivers as well as parking owners and operators.
ANAi Global founder Grant Furlane has immediately assumed the position of LocoMobi CEO. Grant Furlane is a longtime veteran of parking and transportation payment equipment systems, and has more than 30 years of experience and innovation. He created many of the concepts consumers now take for granted, including pay-on-foot machines and paying for parking with credit cards. He served as President of the Canadian Parking Association and was Co-Chairman of the first world symposium on
parking and intelligent transportation systems, which was attended by participants from over 50 countries. Barney Pell will continue as Chairman and Chief Strategist. 
Article contributed by the Parking PT team.
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