Attendance and the IPI


Attendance and the IPI

We discussed the attendance at the IPI show at the Temecula Group Breakfast and agreed that they did very well considering the economy and all. 1700 plus attendees and exhibitors is not a bad number and most exhibitors told me that the quality of attendee was very high.

But we also agreed that there should be 2000 or 3000 attendees (not including exhibitor personnel) or more at the show. (There were just over 700 attendees at the show this year).

The TPG doesn’t just blather about problems, but also come up with some possible solutions. We felt that the IPI could analyze the attendance and would probably find that 500 or so attendees would come no matter what. The rest are “first timers” and the like.

Why not concentrate on the newbies – give them a “first timer” much MUCH lower rate. Charge exhibitors a bit more and allow anyone who wants to come to the show for free. (sell tickets for food/drink). Hold the event in locations where there are a ton of parking folks within driving distance (LA, Chicago, NYC Area, Dallas/Houston}, Really promote in the local area. Get people who can drive in for the day, or overnight. Sell the show, as well as the educational and “party” parts of the program.

You could allow folks to come to the show for free and PAY for the other services offered at the show (educational, recreational events etc). Make it attractive.

I know that a number of years ago the IPI did a survey and found that the exhibition itself was the number one reason people came to the Conference. Most networking and the like was done on the exhibition floor.

Just a bunch sitting around getting charged up on caffeine and offering ideas. They are probably worth what they cost



Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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