Disabled permit – but can climb this hill…


Disabled permit – but can climb this hill…

Speaking of non parking writers, our philosophical parker and periodic writer Astrid Ambroziak writes this month about her experiences hiking in the wilds of Los Angeles and her frustration with fellow hikers who climb LA’s steepest peaks and use Handicapped permits to get around the residential permit programs in the neighborhoods surrounding the hiking areas. We needed a picture for the article so I took Suki the wonder dog up to the area today and we negotiated the trails with a bunch of other people and their dogs. Just so you know this isn’t a walk in the park – here’s what one of the hills looks like:



Yes, I made it up the hill, barely. When we returned we found this car:



OK. Maybe the handicapped placard is legit, but frankly I doubt it – and right behind this one you can see another with a placard hanging in the front window. These cars weren’t there when we started about an hour or so before.


Astrid says:

Coming down the hill, we see others. A woman who could be on the cover of the Sports Illustrated “Swimsuit Edition” is getting into her Jaguar. I ask: “Excuse me, miss, what is your handicap?” In perfect LA fashion, she ignores me, gets into her car, removes her handicap placard and drives off.

Not too much farther on I see one sexy pickup truck and an even sexier guy getting out of it after properly hanging his handicap placard. “Excuse me, sir, what is your disability?” He says he has cancer. I say a silent prayer for him, adding “God bless you.” I tell my friend that at least the pickup guy is lucky to look like a tight end for the Green Bay Packers.


Years ago, when it was discovered that I had a herniated disc, the doctor offered me a handicap placard. I refused. I didn’t need it. I could get around just fine. It wasn’t that serious. The handicap placard would be out of the question. It would equal stealing. There are people who need them. Those folks who use a wheelchair and the people who walk on crutches must have them. People who have weak hearts or lungs need them for access. These people want the proximity of their parking only so they don’t have to hike the Runyon Canyons of their world, to get to their pharmacists, dry cleaners, grocery stores or to their jobs.

We have some good stuff in the May issue, including articles on the upcoming IPI exhibition being held in Late May in Pittsburgh.




Read her piece in the May issue – She takes on cheaters and gives no quarter.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

One Response

  1. I have a trauma based disorder, a mental illness and herniated disks, compressed nerves, spinal stenosis and facet joint arthritis. Any of these would qualify me to get handicapped parking. And for you to ask someone is EXTREMELY rude and egotistical. They do not have to divulge their medical history, which is protected by HIPAA to justify parking there. That is not your cross to bear. Some people have dissociative disorders. They look fine but are very disabled and need disabled parking. Asking them could be EXTREMELY triggering and invalidating to them. You cannot help but wonder but you can help what comes out of your mouth.

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