I first met Stan Cramer a couple of years ago when PT did an article on his off airport parking operation in Harrisburg, PA. He’s a colorful and innovative guy. A great representative of our industry.
He is now in a fight for his business life with the adjacent airport. His facility is on property he owns that the airport wants. They have made him an offer, and he has refused to sell at that price. I am in full agreement with the Harrisburg Patriot News Editorial. Read it all here. Stan also posted an article in this blog you can read here. Scan down until you find it.
We have an email in to Stan and will get his comments when he responds, however my guess is that the truth is in the details. Stan has the prime piece of property right next to the airport entry. He runs a good parking operation and takes a lot of parking business away from the airport. He has built a good legacy and comfortable life by making the right decisions along the way.
Now the airport wants to use eminent domain to take away his property and most likely his business for what seems to me to be a paltry amount. He is willing to sell, but at a price that makes business sense.
I have been suspect of eminent domain’s use in many such situations. The concept of "public good" can be stretched to fit most any activity a politician or airport manager wants it to.
I’m not one to stand in the way of progress, but the small businessman shouldn’t be rolled over in the process. Fair is fair. Private property is private property. Stan should get compensated in an amount that not only covers the cost of bare land, but also the business he will be forced to either close or move. And you can’t tell me that wherever he moves, life will be the same. In off airport parking, the key is location, location, location.
I will keep my eye on this one and keep you posted. Is this a good time for a national parking organization to become involved, get the facts, and perhaps help out one of its members?