Here’s the article – OK – The problem is that restaurants and cart vendors are getting some competition from Gourmet Food Trucks, and they don’t like it. So they are using parking policy as a reason to go after them. Money Quote:
“the concept of allowing commercial activity at a parking meter is inconsistent with the public policy that parking meters are for customers, not commercial activity or employees.”
Hmmmm Seems like some are getting hit in the pocketbook and don’t want to compete.
My feeling is that these trucks are a new way to merchandise. They add to the street “scene.” They get people out of their staid office environment and in a more healthy one. In the article the merchants complain that the people who eat at the trucks cause traffic jams on the sidewalks. HUH? Isn’t that what you want – People standing around and walking by your windows?
Of course, the trucks need to follow similar rules to the local merchants, pay the same taxes, get the same approvals, meet the same health codes and the city needs to determine where they can set up. Perhaps higher fees for parking would be in order. Or maybe spaces could be carved out in off street lots for them. Time to think outside the box.
As for the restaurants who are being “hurt” by the trucks. Get with the program. Why do people go to them? They are fast, they offer “different food”, they are cheaper. Gee maybe you need to rethink your lunch model. Personally I would prefer to go inside and sit down and be served if I could get out of there in a hurry and have some good food at a price I could afford.
There is a great fish restaurant near me. You go in, order at the counter, pay, get a number, and your food is brought to your table in about 5-7 minutes. Its fresh, good, and quick. You have already paid so you don’t have to wait for a check. I much prefer it to a Gourmet Truck. But it’s the only one in the area like that.
You gotta move with the times…Of course in DC it might be hard to change a Congressman’s mind while sitting on the grass near a gourmet truck. I wonder if expense accounts cover grass stains…
Hat Tip — Mark
2 Responses
I would prefer to go inside and sit down and be served if I could get out of there in a hurry and have some good food at a price.
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I would prefer to go inside and sit down and be served if I could get out of there in a hurry and have some good food at a price.
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