Free Parking Has Enemies


Free Parking Has Enemies

There are a lot of opinions out there and most of them are junk. I’m willing to include some of mine in the junk pile, but will continue to share the ones I’m really attached to. I read this one and liked the way it sounded. The ran an opinion piece by a Saratoga Springs resident who’s furious at the way city leaders are planning to use the last of its undeveloped downtown property for a parking structure.

Mr. Ian Klepetar says the city’s “free parking” program has created a dependence on the car and a lack of public transit. He urges the city to promote healthier transportation models and a more honest approach to parking.

Shame on Saratoga Springs for trying to confront this “parking problem” with the kind of “solutions” that created it in the first place. Shame on our downtown business sector for supporting and funding this precedent and shame on us, again, for believing that parking was ever “free” in the first place.

The writer feels strongly about, and writes convincingly about, the need for low-emission transportation choices and the reality of the true cost of parking – two subjects of great importance to the parking industry. Worth reading, in my opinion.

For the entire article, click here.

Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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