I have been commenting on “special” parking for “special” cars for years. The concept of a close in reserved spot for a “fuel efficient” vehicle is anathema. This headline got my attention: “Can’t Find a Parking Space, Get a Hybrid or a Baby.” The story in the pioneer press in the twin cities nails this PC problem. Scarlett was hot on the trail of a good parking story and broke this one on our Facebook Page.
It has begun to get a tad out of hand. Not only are there spots reserved for handicapped, they are also reserved for “Hybrids,” “Fuel Efficient,” “Car Pool,” or as the author of the article said:
Everyone else who has to park farther and farther away wonders what’s next. Reserved parking for veterans? Nice people who need a break? Flaming jerks who can’t wait?
I think that if a private enterprise wants to roll the dice and put in reserved spaces, so be it. Let the marketplace decide. If I have to park further away because some enviro decides that a Volt or Leaf gets a close in space, then I can elect to shop somewhere else, or walk.
However the line needs to be drawn at the government requiring such spaces. As noted above, where does it end. Disabled, OK, I can buy that – however only because then need a bit of extra space to get their paraphernalia organized, and that’s just fine. But the rest. I have to agree with the woman quoted in the article:
But Betty Johnson of Roseville doesn’t like giving away the best parking spots to the gas savers. “If they are fuel-efficient,” she said, “maybe they can park further away, right?”
One Response
You agree like me with this woman (Alyson)