We sent out the information below to virtually all parking equipment and system manufacturers in North America last week. I expected a lot of interest. We got very little.
I would have thought that now would be the perfect time for US manufacturers to look to new markets.
First of all, parking in the rest of the world is absolutely rocking. There are on street and off street issues in virtually every major city on the planet. They need help and need it in a big way.
Second, with the economy flat, new markets are one way to grab market share, keep the cash flowing, and keep the factories running. When the recession turns around, you will be sitting in the proverbial catbird seat.
Third, the dollar is down. Things made in Europe costs more and things made in the US costs less. Take advantage of the weak dollar and sell your products overseas, You are more competitive than you have ever been.
This is an inexpensive way to test the water, find out for yourself what an area is all about, meet local distributors, and get the process rolling. If you find it isn’t for you, your investment has been less than that of a vacation.
Oh well, we gave it a shot. If you have any interest, drop me a line.