The City of Newark gets bad grades for its public eduction program when it installed multi space parking meters in place of its decades old meter system. They put in brand spanking new POM four space solid state meters, but they seem to have forgotten to tell the parking public about them. Read about it here.
The new units work great — everyone seems pleased, however many folks didn’t know what was going on and some got tickets because they didn’t understand what the Letters on the signs next to their parking spaces meant. It would seem obvious that if you see a big "A" next to your space you should know that you walk to the nearby meter, push the "A" button and proceed with the process. Or is it.
Most successful changeovers have weeks of prior PR and information. Newark may have done that, but there is no mention of it in the article.
One Response
The reporter told me he had gotten a ticket, but didn’t mention others having done so. All it takes is one reporter getting a ticket for something to become a “big deal”. He asked me if our 4-space meters were a popular style — that’s funny, as no parking meter is actually popular.