You know that little tingle that goes through your body when you receive an unsolicited package and you immediately check the return address for a clue to the sender. Well, I received a package the other day from “Think Geek” in Fairfax, VA. I opened it and by golly, it was the Knuckle Duster Corkscrew that the TSA had removed from my person in Pittsburgh after the IPI show. Read all gory details here.
My first thought was that the TSA had gotten off their stuck on stupid rampage against incontinent grannies, four year old girls, and game show winners and decided to return my property. Ha.
A bit of further investigation told me that it was from Bart Blair of Paylock. He had gone out of his way to replace the prize PT won in the Paylock booth at the IPI when we did such an outstanding job in the Family Feud game.
As you can see from my post noted above, I was a tad miffed, but realized it wasn’t Bart or Paylock’s fault and in the end if I play my cards right I should never have to buy a drink again if I can keep the guys at the local pub happy with my JVH vs TSA stories.
Bart shows a lot of class, as does Cory, Matt and the rest of the gang at Paylock. They are good sports, put on a great show and have a great product. Many thanks to them. Now I can go home and open that bottle of vintage red I have been saving for a special occasion. What could be more special than receiving a replacement prize from Paylock. The TSA and their “you know, Mr. Van Horn, this is all your fault, not ours” attitude can stick it where the sun don’t shine.