I have been soundly trounced for my attacks on city enforcement officers and often their lack of the use of common sense in their duties. Keith has been very kind, but strong defending his troops and I asked the other day about the mission of his department. Here you go:
The Portland Bureau of Transportation is a community partner in shaping a livable city. We plan, build, manage, and maintain an effective and safe transportation system that provides people and businesses access and mobility. We keep Portland moving.
I understand that parking is a division of the Bureau of Transportation and understand that the overall mission of the bureau includes parking and that these things are by necessity a bit vague and general. So I thought I would try my hand at a mission statement for a parking program.
The JVH Parking Department is there to serve our customers, the people who work and park in JVHville. We provide spaces for their parking, at a fair price, both on and off street. We work with merchants to ensure their businesses can operate smoothly and easily within the confines of common sense. We protect our parking assets through enforcement but realize that those parking here are our customers AND the customers of our local businesses. As customers, and human beings, those with whom we interact will be treated with respect, honesty and trust. Within the confines of good business practice, we will treat our customers well as we want them to return and use our product time and time again, each time leaving with a good feeling about their parking experience.
2 Responses
Mission statements should be short and sweet descriptions of what an organization strives to do. My sugestion for Portland:
Providing pleasant and plentiful parking for Portlanders.
I love it. We just opened a new public garage and will implement paid on-street parking in May. I am passing it along to our local parking department.