More advice to Off Airport Parking Operators


More advice to Off Airport Parking Operators

I sat for 30 (ok 20) minutes waiting for Budget to pick me up and take me to my rental car here in Atlanta. As I sat there I counted 4 Hertz, 3 Avis, and count em 5 Enterprise shuttles go by. And I got angrier and angrier.

Then I realized what the anger was. It wasn’t that I was waiting, it was that “my” company, the people with whom I threw my lot, couldn’t get their act together and get busses out and show the flag.

I feel the same way about my airport parking vendor. If I see a lot of other vans, I begin to feel like I’m with a second rate organization and start thinking about changing. I love the sign I saw on one parking shuttle “If you parked with us, you’d be on you way now.”

But what was the REAL, deep down reason. I was upset that “my” guys weren’t winning the marketing battle. I want to park with a winner, not with second best.

I’m nothing if not loyal. Coke over Pepsi, (or is it Pepsi over Coke), Sony over Panasonic, Ford over GM, Toyota over Nissan, Lowes over Home Depot. You get the idea.

I want to see my favorites reinforce my decision. How about you?


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

3 Responses

  1. That was an interesting post and I appreciate that you tried to analyze your true reactions. That is rare for people to do! I want to see my favorites reinforce my decision, but I also will change favorites if they don’t. Will you do that or remain loyal anyway? There was a funny joke once by the comedian Jackie Mason who was talking about how people bragged how important their doctor was based on how long the person had to wait (ie the longer the better). I think the punchline was something about how he knew his doctor was the best because by the time he was able to get an appointment he had died.
    Off Airport Parking Info

  2. Sounds to me like you got a bum deal better luck next time, why not park with the shuttle that said you would be there by now

  3. There is always the option to use airport parking. My website rates and reviews a number of private companies offering airport parking. I’ll post it up for you to have a look.

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