Got a call from the Des Moines airport. They are having "lot full" problems. Seems that at least once a week their close in garage fills up and sometimes even all their economy lots are full. They are expecting an increase in air travel and did a quarter million dollar study to find out if they need more parking. The recommendation was to build 1800 more spaces at a cost of 38 million bucks.
They asked me what I thought. Seems for some unknown reason the airport board doesn’t want to take on 38 million in debt. Gotta love those corn growers in Iowa.
I suggested they raise their rates for the inner lot, and if the private sector wasn’t on the ball and put in a surface lot across the street, that they buy a few acres and throw down some black top and put up some lights and add 500 spaces. Then they could probably put off the building of the new structure for a few years and save up the money for it and not have to pay the millions in interest.
Anybody out there want to put in an off airport operation in Des Moines…