The city of Manhattan Beach, Ca, has decided to “roll back” parking rates to what they were a year ago before two increases brought them up to $1.25 an hour, from 75 cents and hour. This came because the local merchants were up in arms over the increase, stating that it was hurting business. Hmmmmm
They also noted that the 30 percent decrease in customer volume over the past year might have something to do with a number of new local shopping malls just up the road. I have seen these centers and they have some pretty nice stores and restaurants.
There were no studies done to find out what the right number for parking charges where in the area, the city raised the rates to cover shortfalls in parking administration. They lowered them with the same foresighted view based on “input from local merchants.”
I go to the area from time to time. It’s very crowded and parking is at a premium. Often you have to park on side streets because the other streets are jammed. Has anyone wondered about the number of folks who work in the area who park and take spaces?
I’m sure a quick study could be done to see if that’s part of the problem. AND have the local merchants done anything to attract folks to their stores. You know, “If you build it they will come.” Sort of like the shopping malls did just up the street. But then, that’s just a line from a movie.