What? The local government spent over 40K to install parking meters but then didn’t write an ordinance to require people to use them. They don’t want to spend the money for enforcement staff, so they have told the world that the parking fee is “voluntary.” Read about it here.
Don’t you love this quote:
Director of Land Services Ron Pianta told the board that enforcement would have been handled by sheriff’s deputies, parks officials and code enforcement officers. People who failed to pay the fee would have been fined $40. Now that the measure failed, Pianta said he is convinced that most people are honest and will pay the fees.
What in the hell is so hard about enforcing the parking fee? HUH – You get some citation books printed up, your give a book to all deputies, officials, and officers that go to the area on a regular basis and they glance at the cars and see if they have a P and D sticker in the car. If they don’t you write them a $40 ticket.
Am I missing something here? This sounds like a political “gotcha.” Some of the board didn’t want the meters anyway, so they ensured that everyone (including themselves) looked like fools and stopped the possibility of enforcement.
Gee – why not set up enforcement when you buy the meters? I guess I don’t believe anyone will pay for parking once they learn that there is no enforcement, and learn they will since most are multiple time users.
What a bunch of wizards in Brooksville, FL.