Putting out the show dailies at the IPI Expo in Las Vegas whilst and at the same time producing PT’s June issue stressed our crew more than just a little. I know that content is king and trying to find stories that will interest our readers was no small feat this month. However we succeeded and here’s what to look for when we hit the streets around June 1:
- A new Columnist who takes on parking structures and likens them to Hunter Thompson’s “Fear and Loathing”.
- A report on the University of Houston’s new Parking Garage – building for the future
- Peter Guest takes on the British National Health Service and its “parking charter”
- I comment on our “God Given right to Park”
- A page of pictures from the IPI show in Vegas
- Paul Manning ends this chapter of “Death” with the following: “She put her arms around me and gave me a tender kiss on the lips. Then, laughing, she walked back to Hartison’s side. I had to move quickly before I was shoved into the truck. I needed to hide the knife she had put in my hands.”
- The Amateur Parker describes parking at an Air Show
- Plus there are features on Dealers and the good old PARCS systems.
Well, that’s not so bad, after all.