Mayor Greg Ballard issued a request for qualifications (RFQ) on February 10, 2010 for a long-term concession arrangement and management contract for the City’s public parking system. On Mar. 15, the City received 16 responses to the RFQ, and after reviewing the proposals, eight companies were short listed. Central Parking, chosen as a short list bidder, opted to team up with Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and Co. and Duncan Parking resulting in seven bids selected to make their presentations to the team in May. The qualifications statements follow:
ACS, Denison Global Parking, Evens Time and Sease Gerig & Associates (PDF)
Gates Group, Serco and Imperial Parking (PDF)
Cintra (PDF)
Central Parking System (PDF)
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and Co. and Duncan Parking (PDF)
Lanier Parking Solutions (PDF)