I commend this article from the LA Times for your perusal. In it Don Shoup discusses his concept of graduated parking fines. I was honored that the Shoup Dog had taken some of my ideas from a few weeks ago in this blog and presented them so well. The lede:
Cities often increase their parking fines when they need more money. Los Angeles, for example, is facing a major budget crisis and increased its fines for all parking tickets by $5, regardless of the violation. This across-the-board hike suggests that the higher fines are more about raising money than about enforcing the law. But a few cities have discovered how to enforce the law and raise money without costing most drivers anything. Cities can achieve these three goals by using graduated parking fines.
And This:
Graduated parking fines are a way to deter chronic violators without unfairly punishing anyone else. Graduated fines are lenient for the cars with only a few tickets but punitive for the few cars with many tickets. In Claremont, Calif., for example, the first ticket for overtime parking in a calendar year is $35, the second $70 and the third $105. For illegally using a disabled parking space, the first ticket is $325, the second $650 and the third $975.
Read the entire article – it will take only a minute. Good Stuff. We now have the technology to make this happen. It makes sense, at least to this parker.