Britain is a small Island with much of the infrastructure pre-dating the automobile and so parking in our cities is often a pain. This can be particularly galling when some special event such as a wedding or a funeral means that you want to be able to get a car right outside your house on a particular day at a particular time. Brighton resident Jonathan Brookes knew the problems and was determined that on his daughter’s wedding day she would be able to step straight into her limousine for the drive to church.
His plan was simple. He mixed flour, water and yellow food dye and painted double yellow lines (no parking) on the street outside his home the morning of the wedding. It worked! The markings stopped anyone parking there and when the Limo pulled up the father of the bride was able to hand his daughter Louise straight into the Limo. I have no idea how many laws Mr Brookes broke, he probably could have got arrested under anti-terrorism laws since the mix “might have contained anthrax” but, good for you dad, good for you. The flour mix will wash away next time it rains and who can read this and not smile?