Thank heavens for nametags. Its not that I can’t remember folk’s names (well actually that’s a problem for someone as notorious as I. Everyone knows who I am, I can’t remember who anyone else is. But I digress. The real reason for nametags is to keep people straight with the companies where they work. For instance, Brad McGee formerly with Digital Payment Technologies is now with Duncan Solutions. I also see that Casey Jones is now with a consulting firm…and that’s only after a couple of hours. Some wag, maybe it was me, said once that after the trade shows they ask everyone in the booths to take two steps forward, rotate the booths and then take one step back. The list of people who have worked with different companies is endless, even some of the CEO’s. I know some that have worked in senior positions with four large companies in their segment of the industry. I won’t embarrass them by listing their names but you would immediately recognize them.
Career changes in our industry happens fast, and happens often. Thank heavens for nametags