According to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the Cleveland airport raised its rates a buck a day but didn’t tell anyone, and of course the politicos are miffed. Read about it here.
Let’s get this straight — the Airport has the authority to raise its rates up to $25 a day (They are are now at $14). So they bumped the rates a dollar. However, two months after it occurred (on July 1), somebody noticed and called the city council, the mayor, and for all I know, the head of the local SPCA.
Naturally, the politicos aren’t happy being blindsided by this abuse of power, so they are running for cover saying that they should have been given a "heads up."
OK, I agree — parking is a political nightmare. And the management of the airport would do well to keep its bosses informed of every time it makes any moves in that arena.
Here’s my recommendation — the next time they want to do something, first -= do it. And at exactly the same time it goes into effect, they should send an FYI email to all concerned.
If you notify the bosses too soon, they will get involved, stir the pot, and you will get nothing done. However if you do it after the already approved action is a fait accomplis, then you can do you job, get things done, and also ensure the politicians are armed to run interference for you.
Works all the way around.