


I have been musing on the value of Twitter. It seems to me that for adults this is simply a way to get people to look at something else you have written elsewhere on the 'net. (Facebook, blog, myspace, etc)…You know — I hate parking — wanna read more, go to   Something like that.
But you need to get people to "follow" you or what you "tweet" is never read. I now have about 35 followers.(I get 15,000 people reading my bon mots in PT and 300 or so a day here at the blog — fraid 35 is not an ego boost.) Most of the followers I have never heard of and think that less than a quarter are actually interested at all in our industry. Most "tweets" I see from adult bloggers are links to
their blogs.
Perhaps someone can explain this phenomena to me. In the UK, it nearly got a person killed when he tweeted about a famous actor. The most followed person is unknown to anyone but has over half a million followers. His tweets are like "Got up and ate toast with jam" HUH?
OK, I'm going to keep tweeting but the problem is that for it to make any sense it has to say something other than my interest in Honey over Grape Jelly or what the cat coughed up overnight. So I am going to use it as a lead to this blog and other things Parking Today. Fair enough?
Follow me on jvhpt and get links to the blog, PT, our new video site (lots of good stuff there) and whatever else parking is "happening" Oh, and I'm considering a contest — with big bucks to the winner — Maybe Marcy can help with this…
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John Van Horn

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