Mark Points out:
This story has been making the rounds the last week or so, but now it’s been featured on the CBS morning news show. The worst part is that at the end they suggest the ONLY way to be sure that they keep your car safe is to tip on the way in, and make sure the attendant knows you’ll also tip on the way out. Really?!? Bribery is the only way? There’s no mention about “reputable” operators or anything, they seem to imply that this is standard operating procedure for ALL valets.
I agree with Mark – This story is one of the worst researched I have ever seen. NO Parking Company Owners, No working valets, no police, no one, except the folks who wanted a little publicity and of course a “former” valet. And unnamed “experts”. Oh Please.
Their writers made this one up out of whole cloth. And why would tipping the valet help – I doubt if it was the guy that parked the car that actually drove it around.
I could go on and on , but you know what I’m going to say. More bad PR, and our PR folks are asleep at the switch.