There is a small shopping center in Upland, CA that has a number of businesses, a pizza parlor, and a 24 Hour Fitness center. The problem seems to be that folks from the Fitness Center park in front of the other businesses and take spaces that their customers need. Read all about it here.
The Pizza Parlor owner and other small business owners are complaining to everyone who will listen that they don’t have enough parking. They want signs, they want towing, they want everything. How about pay parking.
My guess is that there are a lot of business owners and workers who park in the lot, too. What would happen if they charged for parking. All those workers would find other places to park and would free up space for visitors and customers.
But maybe not. Seems there are a number of empty stores and when they rent, there will be an even larger problem. Its time, I think, for the landlord to get involved with the businesses, the management company, and the city and solve this problem.
Paid parking is a solution, but may not be the only one.