Dealers: What They Think About Their Jobs


Dealers: What They Think About Their Jobs

Parking equipment is high-tech. It’s complicated, and it needs good service and support or it’s useless. Parking Today reached out to the companies that install and maintain this equipment and asked, first of all, what qualities make a good dealership, and second, what each specific company felt was its most important virtue. Here are their responses:
Bill Nelson at DGM Controls in Seattle: The most important factor is having an understanding of what the client really needs to operate the particular parking facility. Too many times, over-engineered systems create more problems than benefits. Experience in the parking industry is key! What separates us from the rest? Operating experience!
Mitchell Bell of Royce Parking Control Systems in Florida: A dealer needs to understand the customers’ needs and to provide a complete solution. Royce Parking Controls will provide the customer a “one-stop shop” to get their projects done.
Bill Bernatovich at Ber-National Automation and Parc Automation in New York and Toronto: First, put yourself in the customers’ shoes and see things from their perspective. Our company focuses on one area of expertise and does the same thing over and over to get good at it.
Greg Parzych at TCS International in Massachusetts: Response is everything. Even if you don’t have an answer, call and let the client know you are working on their request. This avoids bigger problems later on. Also, be honest and realistic. Clients appreciate this much more than a “smoke and mirrors” story.
Sherry Evens of Evens Time in Indiana: Timely, accurate responses in both sales and services make a good dealer/installer. Our company gives straightforward guidance in the features of our products and services.
Jim Lema of Signature Controls in Missouri: It’s important for dealers to have trained technicians or installers who understand relay logic. Our company services all clients, delivering more than the customer expected.
Al Krueger at Electrical Contractors in Illinois: Dealers must have knowledge, integrity and follow-through. “When there are issues – and there are always issues – we won’t leave the customer hanging.”
Gus Grundler of Automatic Equipment in Puerto Rico: Dedication, follow-up and customer service are key attributes to successful dealers. Our company offers reputation, knowledge and experience.
Mike Givens of ITR of Georgia: A successful dealer/installer focuses on exceeding customer expectations, fulfilling its promises, and delivering reliable and reasonable customer support after the sale. Our company adheres to a high code of ethics and delivers exemplary customer support.
Steve St. John of Carolina Time in North Carolina: A dealer should never lose sight that the customer is always right!
Jeff Vanderford of Innovative Parking Concepts (Southeast): Excellent customer service is the single most important factor. This is a component sadly missing from most parking distributors, but I believe it is the future of this industry. Our company offers customer support 24/7 that is personalized to each customer’s needs.
Chuck Gillen of Access & Time Automation in Colorado: Knowledge of our product and the willingness to do the best possible installation make a good dealer/installer. Our company values integrity at all costs.

Article contributed by the Parking PT team.
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