Mid-South Transportation and Parking Association

Fax: 502-574-1418
Website: www.mstpa.org
Email: info@mstpa.org


Mike Tudor, President
Arishna Lastinger, Vice President
Brent Matthews, Secretary
Steve Hernandez, Treasurer


Member Description


  • Regular Membership $75:
    Municipalities, counties and other governmental bodies, airports, public parking authorities, colleges, universities, hospitals, medical centers, owner operated entertainment centers, civic centers and other public or private types of parking programs.
  • Affiliate Membership $150:
    Corporations or individuals engaged in supplying goods, technical and management of professional services to the parking industry, interested in or connected with, the operation of public parking including vendors, management companies, technical and management consultants and construction professionals.
  • Associate Membership $75:
    Additional individuals who are associated with any REGULAR or AFFILIATE delegate in good standing.


Association Description
The association consists of parking professionals from colleges, universities, cities, and airports in the Mid-South region in the related field of parking.


The MSTPA’s mission is to provide professional growth, development, and interaction among persons involved in the operation of transportation and parking programs within the mid-south region. This association of transportation and parking professionals is organized to identify issues, share information, identify and evaluate solutions to improve parking programs and stay updated of legislative changes that impact transportation and parking operations.


MSTPA Quarterly Newsletter; Monthly Blog Posts


MSTPA Annual Spring Conference
Contact: Dawn Marti 240 893-6296
Email: Dawn@DCM-Management.com


Mike Tudor
222 S. 1st Street, Suite 400
Louisville, KY 40202

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