155 S. Razorback Road
ADSB 131
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: 479-575-6245
Fax: 479-575-2356
Website: www.cptaonline.org
Email: CPTA@uark.edu
Matt Penney, Baylor University, President
Josh Stone, Virginia Commonwealth University, Vice President
Betty Love, University of Oklahoma, Treasurer
Gary Smith, University of Arkansas, Secretary
Member Description
Members are from post-secondary education institutions including colleges, universities, medical schools, etc. from across the nation. Affiliate (vendor) and consultant members are welcome.
Association Description
The Campus Parking and Transportation Association (CPTA) holds annual conferences at member schools in the fall of each year. Members share information about campus parking and transportation issues and present initiatives that have been successful on their campus. The conference also includes updates on the latest trends in the industry as well as training sessions in parking and transportation operations and management. CPTA maintains a listserv for its members.
CPTA Annual Conference and Trade Show
Gary K. Smith
Tel 479.575.3304, fax 479.575.2356