New England Parking Council

Andy Hill, Desman, President
Heather Matthews, VP
Suzanne Rinfret, Secretary
Stathis Manousos, Treasurer
Kathryn Hebert, Past President


Member Description
Parking and transportation professionals from universities, municipalities, hospitals, airports, suppliers, consultants and other entities affiliated with the parking and transportation industry.


Association Description
Established in 1984, the NEPC is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the skills necessary for working in the parking and transportation industry. The NEPC host conferences. seminars, workshops,meetings, and other networking opportunities for members and non-members alike to share industry knowledge and experience.


Mission Statement:
The New England Parking Council (NEPC) is comprised of Parking and Transportation professionals seeking to share knowledge, development, and support while building strong business relationships via networking and educational opportunities. We seek to empower all professionals in municipal On-street parking, university parking and hospital parking operations.


Annual conference and golf tournament, Municipal Forum, University Forum, Hospital Forum

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