PO Box 170357
Boise, ID 83717
Phone: 303-725-7043
Website: www.pipta.org
Email: info@pipta.org
Mike Estey, City of Seattle, Chair
Laura Lierz, REEF Parking, Vice-Chair
Cindy Patton, City and County of Denver, Secretary
Linsey Hartke, Boise State University, Treasurer
Member Description
Membership consists of professionals from the states of Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
Association Description
The Pacific Intermountain Parking and Transportation Association (PIPTA) was founded by a group of parking professionals who saw value in a regional organization designed to provide those involved in parking and transportation programs with an open forum to discuss common challenges, share information and remain abreast of industry best practices. Membership consist of professionals from the states of Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
PIPTA’s mission is to provide for the growth and development of the people and organizations involved in parking and transportation in the membership states with a vision to be a recognized leader in advancing solutions that optimize access and mobility in the communities it serves.
Annual Conference
Mike Estey, Chair, chair@pipta.org
Laura Lierz, CAPP Vice Chair, Vicechair@pipta.org