Anita Morck Retires from Yonkers


Anita Morck Retires from Yonkers

Anita Morck has retired as the Director of the Yonkers Parking Violations Bureau after 29 years. 

She worked in the NYS Court System beginning in 1983 and was the Court Clerk of Traffic Court when she was hired by the city in 1990 to set up the PVB, taking the parking tickets out of the Court System and handling them in a Civil environment. The Yonkers PVB opened its doors on April 1, 1991. 

She is a founding member of the New York State Parking Association, now newly titled the NYS Parking and Transportation Association. She was on the board for many years and held the positions of secretary, vice president and president, remaining on the board through 2017. 

The Parking Violations Bureau at Yonkers changed much during her tenure, adding new technology again and again through the years.


The Parking Violations Bureau at Yonkers changed much during her tenure, adding new technology again and again through the years. It currently handles Red Light Camera Violations and Yonkers Code Violations, which affect quality of life issues, as well as Parking Violations, which are still the mainstay of the organization. 

She has made many friends over the years through the various parking organizations and plan to stay in touch with them.

“It has been an honor serving the City of Yonkers and I look forward to my retirement with plans to travel far and wide and spend more time with my grandchildren,” Morck says.

Article contributed by the Parking PT team.
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