Automated Parking Added to PIE


Automated Parking Added to PIE

Paula Reddish Zinnemann of the consulting firm Automated Parking Solutions, LLP leads a team of experts from both the public and private sectors in this three hour focused seminar on automated parking added to the Parking Industry Exhibition Schedule. Although seemingly dormant in the U.S. for the past decade, this segment of the industry is gaining momentum with upwards of 30 new projects either completed, currently underway, or in the final planning stages.
Automated parking facilities bring huge benefits to the property owner, often enabling twice the number of spaces to be made available in the same amount of space, or freeing up land for other uses. They also allow projects to proceed that otherwise might be impossible due to the lot sizes preventing the construction of the code required number of parking spaces.
This seminar features three major aspects that have to be addressed when considering such a project: Cost, Design, and Code Requirements.
Consultant Don Monahan from Walker Parking addresses the cost issues, listing completed projects and those in their final stages and comparing their real world costs with traditional concrete structures. He will provide a list of completed projects as well as those under way.
Four manufacturers will provide insights into differing design concepts, using video to present completed systems in daily use and discuss why certain options may or may not be appropriate in differing applications.
One of the major holdups for projects has been the difficulty in obtaining code approval from local governments. Robert Fahlstrom of the City of Chicago Regulatory and Code Compliance Department will discuss the city’s requirements and how it works with manufacturers and owners to shepherd projects through building and fire codes.
The seminar will be presented Tuesday, March 20 during the Parking Industry Exhibition held at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare in Chicago.

Article contributed by the Parking PT team.
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