Create a Product Focused Webinar


Create a Product Focused Webinar

Reach the thousands of customers who were not able to come to your IPI booth. In June & July 2011, Parking Today will be hosting a series of webinars on the products of the parking industry.

  • Find out who is interested in your product and inform them (and your current customers) about what makes your products different
  • Your staff gives a 25 minute presentation on one (or more of your products)
  • Get the names and contact information on all of the people who attend the webinar
  • Have the webinar hosted on the Parking Today website until September 2011
  • Receive a copy of your webinar (wmv format)
  • Averaging 80+ registrants (high of 190 and low of 45)
  • Attendance rates at 55-60%
  • Will be promoting at the IPI show through the Parking Today booth and in the magazine.

Cost is only $700
Companies who participate in all three (before, during and after) receive a 20% discount on the during and after section. That could be a $340 savings.
Contact Marcy Sparrow today for more information.
310-390-5277 x3

Article contributed by the Parking PT team.
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