Dixon Resources Unlimited Welcomes Cameron Clark and Mike King


Dixon Resources Unlimited Welcomes Cameron Clark and Mike King

Dixon Resources Unlimited has added two new team members to its staff, Cameron Clark and Mike King. 

Cameron Clark joins as a Project Coordinator after spending more than five years demonstrating his expertise in parking data collection and analysis. Previously, he was the Parking Operations Manager for IDAX Data Solutions, where he oversaw all parking data collection projects. After leading hundreds of parking studies, he has a unique understanding of the challenges in collecting accurate parking data across different facilities by using a variety of collection methods, manual and automated, to deliver high-quality results.

Cameron managed the development of a mobile GIS app used for parking data collection with the goal of improving quality and reducing costs. 

This tool allowed field supervisors the ability to effectively manage large teams and ensure the data collected was accurate in real-time. 

The app was a key tool for Seattle’s (SDOT) annual parking studies, gathering the input for the Performance-Based Parking Pricing Program which adjusts on-street paid parking rates and evaluates expansion of paid parking. Cameron’s leadership was integral to ensuring complete collection of all data and conducting a final quality review and analysis. 

Cameron also led or contributed to a series of annual parking studies in Denver, Spokane, Berkeley, Palo Alto, West Hollywood and Costa Mesa.

As a Project Coordinator, Cameron supports the DIXON team on all data-driven projects, and his focus on data integrity provides clients with reliable datasets to drive successful decision making. Cameron is also using his computer science and product development background to support the data team in utilizing clients’ existing data to enhance the management of their operations. Cameron is currently working on a LPR pilot program, helping to grow the Dixon Rapid LPR Tool into a focal point of the operations.

Mike King is joining the company’s senior leadership. His experience includes a high-level leadership role in Sacramento’s parking program; managing logistics, contractors, and consultant resources in the SFpark program; and a long history in product development, systems implementation, and support services for enterprise IT systems. 

In 2019, he was named the Parking Professional of the Year by the California Public Parking Association (CPPA).

Mike’s most recent role was the Parking Technology and Infrastructure Manager for the City of Sacramento, California, a $40M parking enterprise, with 56,000 on-street parking assets, more than 10,000 off-street spaces in garages and lots owned by various entities, and 475 slips in the Marina. 

He directed all technical operations, including parking meter management and collections, off-street lot payment systems, garage PARCS equipment for multiple agencies, enforcement solutions, divisional IT support, security, and development and implementation of the technical components of the SacPark program (the CPPA’s Public Parking Program of the Year in 2016), including the SacPark App and reserve.sacpark.org, used for event parking reservations. 

At the time of his retirement, he had created the foundation for an integrated data management system which will allow full operational and financial reporting for the enterprise, along with dashboards and analytics and tools for curb management.

Mike has significant experience with a variety of parking payment systems, including parking meters, virtual meters, mobile payments, and multi-entity PARCS; occupancy systems, including parking sensors and image analytics; parking reservation systems; Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) systems; virtual permits and validations for on- and off-street applications; compliance equipment and citation processing; revenue and parking security systems; comprehensive inventory systems, and parking modernization. 

Throughout his time in Sacramento, other agencies and vendors regularly sought his advice, and local DMV officials referred to him as the LPR expert in California. Mike’s expertise with applying technology to solve parking challenges and his demonstrated record of innovation will help support other municipalities across North America.

Dixon Resources Unlimited is a consulting firm that specializes in municipal parking, transportation, and mobility solutions. 

Dixon’s uniquely-qualified team specializes in supporting municipal parking and mobility programs across the country, consistently proving its ability to identify and implement operations, management, and technology recommendations to transition municipal parking operations to long-term, sustainable programs.

Article contributed by the Parking PT team.
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