Is LPR the Least Understood Technology in Parking?


Is LPR the Least Understood Technology in Parking?

LPR, or License Plate Recognition technology, is the most widely used form of vehicle credential globally, yet is still not fully understood nor adopted by the parking industry in the U.S.

How do you mitigate the risk when choosing an LPR vendor in your state and region?

PIE 2020 hosts a panel that will touch on some of the most controversial subjects related to technology adoption in the parking industry, especially with the current renaissance to integrate technology in every aspect of operations. It will draw some parallels and insights from a similar renaissance  personally experienced during the years following the attacks of 9/11 and the pitfalls of the race to adopt new technologies.

In this short presentation, the panelists will transparently dive into global issues like data privacy, and how this relates to LPR technology. Amit will discuss some of the main objections to LPR specific to the subject of privacy, and how we can mitigate the risks and ease the concerns of our end-users.

The panel will also offer an open discussion on the future of the industry, including some of the most disruptive technologies such as self-driving-vehicles, and how they will change the eco-system we are currently used to, the speed of adoption and what the next 10 years are likely to look like

When considering License Plate Recognition in the parking industry, Read Accuracy should always be the front and center of such discussions. This session will open your eyes to what makes U.S. license plates so unique compared to the EU and elsewhere. Understanding the best strategies to maximize the accuracy of your LPR system will be the center of attention of this presentation. To illustrate in a nutshell, some states in the U.S. have more license plate variation than all the EU countries combined. How do you mitigate the risk when choosing an LPR vendor in your state and region?

Finally, attendees to this session will walk away with a clear understanding of the different flavors of LPR technologies. There are the three different subcategories of LPR system. Are you familiar with the three, currently utilized mostly in major airports around the country? How do you identify the one solution that fits your own individual challenges?

• Fixed Lanes LPR – Fixed position cameras identify and compare vehicles on entry and exit, allowing fast and hands-free access for paid or monthly members. Fixed LPR provides visual evidence of every entry an exit to the garage. Fixed lanes LPR is the most likely candidate to realize the future of “Gateless Parking”

• Mobile LPR – used mostly as an enforcement and inventory tool. LPR cameras combined with a user interface such as a laptop are mounted in a vehicle and allow an operator to capture license plates and auto-alert on violators

This session will end with realistic predictions on how the technology will be used in the very near future in combination of other technologies for the realization of true Gateless Parking.

Join Sagy Amit, founder of RedLPR, Jacques Jouannais, CEO of Survision, Kevin Uhlenhaker, CEO of SLS Insights, Chris Yigit of Genetec and Alex Tallentire, Director of Parking Sales, Vigilant Solutions on Monday March 23 at PIE 2020.

Article contributed by the Parking PT team.
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