Keynote Speakers Announced for Australian Parking Convention


Keynote Speakers Announced for Australian Parking Convention

 Parking Australia, owners of PACE, the largest parking convention and exhibition in Australia, have announced two keynote speakers for the event, Nov. 8-10 in Perth: Urban transport planner and author Rachel Smith and Vanessa Solesbee, Practice Builder with Kimley-Horn and Associates, a premier U.S. design and engineering firm. 
“PACE is the only convention of its type in Australia, so we are particularly pleased to announce two keynote speakers who will enrich the overall event, bringing a wealth of industry knowledge and expertise to the 2016 speaker program,” said Lorraine Duffy, Chief Executive of Parking Australia.
Smith, hailed as one of Australia’s “brightest thinkers on the perpetual challenge of urban planning” by News Limited, is the author of “Decongestion: 7 steps for mayors and other city leaders to cut traffic congestion without the expense of new roads or annoyed residents.”
Smith has spent the past 17 years working in the private and public sectors in the UK and Australia, and was retained by the UK Government for six years as a specialist advisor cutting congestion at schools, workplaces and tourist attractions. 
Solesbee provides parking management and strategic planning consulting services, with a special emphasis on creating strategic communications and public involvement campaigns that integrate planning and development efforts into a community’s shared values. 
Solesbee has served on numerous parking expert advisory panels in the U.S. and was Vice President and Operations Director for the Cedar Rapids (IA) Downtown District, where she led a complete technological and financial transformation of the municipal parking system. 
The Parking Australia Convention & Exhibition, in keeping with this year’s theme of “raising the bar,” will feature cutting-edge innovation in the parking industry. Exhibitors will demonstrate new technologies designed to make much more effective use of parking assets. Renowned international and local industry speakers will discuss case studies that provide alternative solutions to parking issues.
For more information on PACE, visit
Article contributed by the Parking PT team.
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