Meet SF-based Parking Intelligence App Xtreet


Meet SF-based Parking Intelligence App Xtreet

The Xtreet app was designed to solve one of the biggest problems in San Francisco – parking. People dread driving in the city because of the stress it causes. Understanding complex parking regulations and fear of getting parking tickets and being towed are some of the stress factors. Also, finding legal parking is time-consuming. Enter the parking intelligence app Xtreet.

The app was built to be as “intelligent” as possible, so drivers don’t have to think about parking in the “City by the Bay” ever again, the company says. Imagine going about your day without stressing over where to park, because you have the app in the palm of your hand.

Xtreet is parking intelligence software designed to provide SF drivers with recommendations of the nearest available, legal and safe parking. Moreover, it notifies drivers in advance to move the vehicle before “risky” events occur – street cleaning, towing, expired meter, time-limited zones, etc. – in order to avoid parking violations.

The company has “worked hard to make the technology, software and data as accurate and robust as possible.” As the leading parking software in San Francisco, Xtreet intends to expand coverage to Chicago, New York, Seattle, LA and Washington, DC, and to cover 20 more largest U.S. cities before the end of the year. 

For more information, go to


Article contributed by the Parking PT team.
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