Parking Structure Maintenance – Tips for Reducing Repair Costs


Parking Structure Maintenance – Tips for Reducing Repair Costs

Scott L Weiland PE, SE, PCC, shares professional insight into why the owners of some of the largest real estate portfolios in the country are proactively inspecting their parking garage structures, and how routine maintenance keeps maintenance costs low and protects the market value of these facilities. Most people see the rugged look of a parking structure and assume they don’t require much maintenance; unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Review the advantages and disadvantages of commonly encountered parking structural systems, including lifecycle and maintenance costs, common deficiencies and repairs, and the importance and elements of a good maintenance program. 

Structural problems of each type will be shown and explained, including how to correct the problems, the latest in innovative repair technology, and a case study and video of a parking structure collapse, will be presented and discussed. Given the harsh environment in which parking structures exist, and the accelerated rate of deterioration compared to other buildings, maintenance and repairs done early are ultimately less expensive. Deferred maintenance in parking structures can lead to serious and expensive structural deficiencies. Therefore, the session will provide reference to a maintenance program for facility managers and owners to implement once back in the office to protect their Return on Investment (ROI), as well as what you need to know about how to hire a qualified consultant and contractor. 

Article contributed by the Parking PT team.
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