PayByPhone and City of Winnipeg Update TheirContactless Parking Experience


PayByPhone and City of Winnipeg Update TheirContactless Parking Experience

Vancouver, British Columbia – June 24, 2021 – Residents and visitors of The City of Winnipeg will now have a better parking experience thanks to PayByPhone.

The leading global provider of mobile parking payment solutions, PayByPhone and The City of Winnipeg have replaced their 4-digit parking numbers with new 6-digit numbers that are unique to each block face. New parking signs have been installed to help you locate your block number quickly, and you can also find your parking location number by using PayByPhone’s Maps feature. Using the Maps feature will identify the correct block number automatically using location services on your mobile device. If you’re using the mapping feature, pay for your parking before leaving your vehicle. Otherwise, your mobile device may register the payment on a different block face with the wrong number.

“We’re thrilled to be improving our contactless parking service across the City of Winnipeg,” said Roamy Valera, CEO of PayByPhone. “The City of Winnipeg has been a long-standing partner of 14 years, and we are thrilled for the opportunity to keep building a successful parking program with them year over year.”

Article contributed by the Parking PT team.
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