Rethinking the Purpose of Parking Lot Enforcement


Rethinking the Purpose of Parking Lot Enforcement

Established in 1998, Parking Control Service’s mission is to provide a safe and convenient parking experience for its clients and their customers. The company provides an innovative system that is dedicated to management of client parking areas and lots, as well as providing a level of service that supports and enhances the relationship between the PCS customer and their client. 

Thanks to Parking Control Services’ expertise and commitment to excellence, the company is able to take over privately owned-parking lots and control the usage and management of the lot to ensure proper compliance with rules, and to keep the parking lot safe for guests. 

Parking Control Service doesn’t immediately resort to imposing fines on unauthorized parking lot users, rather the company first makes sure that the lot is properly managed and tended to before anyone enters it so that the rules are observed, and the lot is kept in good condition. PCS uses different tools for managing the use of the private lot including signs, parking permits, warning notices, and parking fines. 

All of these tools establish and inform customers’ clients that the parking lot is for their use and violators will be identified and fined. These tools also help to legally inform scofflaws of the rules and violations and, if necessary, to tow a vehicle. 

This approach allows PCS to focus on the idea of elevating its level of service to function like a concierge for the guests of the PCS client. Establishing a relationship with the client’s guest and providing a higher level of service and support is also likely to encourage more adherence to the rules and regulations of the parking area, thus reducing risk of accidents or other costly events that could occur in the parking area. 

The three-step system that Parking Control Service uses to manage its lots consists of patrolling, stationing staff in lots, and managing all aspects of the private parking lot for their clients. 

When it comes to properly patrolling private lots, PCS makes sure that they come through each of their lots to track and electronically chalk cars that are in the lot. This is done to ensure that the rules of the lot are followed and enforced when necessary. 

The patrolling of lots also creates a safer environment for the client’s customers. This patrolling system handles loitering or misuse of the lot and manages traffic when necessary to make parking safer and easier. 

In addition to patrolling lots, Parking Control Service also provides, if required, someone stationed on site for up to eight hour shifts seven days a week. 

This person helps to handle traffic and keep debris or shopping carts out of stalls. They handle everything that goes on in the lot during their shift and they help to create a positive and safe environment. Having a staff member on-site creates a concierge service for clients and customers. 

This person can direct customers to parking, as well as offer directions to help parkers get to their destinations; this on-site person becomes an extension of the PCS customer, and helps to strengthen the relationship between PCS’s clients and the customers who use their parking lots.

The final step in the system is the management of all aspects of the private parking lot for the clients. Parking Control Service has uniformed and well-trained employees who are experts in customer service, know all of the rules and legalities of the lot, and are able to enforce the fine system, if necessary, by putting a parking charge on cars or citing people who break the rules, in order to keep the private lot compliant with posted rules and regulations. 

The innovative approach that Parking Control Service takes with their parking lot management has created an environment that is not solely focused on penalizing people who misuse the lot. 

Rather, they are dedicated to making it easier for their clients by managing their private parking lots. In doing so, they are also making it easier for customers of their client’s location; retailers, physicians, and others companies they need to visit. 

Keeping things clean and clear, and ensuring that lots run smoothly for customers increases turnover rates of customers, which in turn will increase the income of Parking Control Services’ clients. 

This approach and the creation of positive and mutual benefits for customers, clients, and the company has allowed Parking Control Service the ability to manage lots that are safe and convenient for everyone who accesses them, as well as provide an elevated level of service to the customer utilizing the PCS client’s parking facilities. 

Miranda Gilbert is an Associate Consultant at Business Consulting Resources, Inc.

Article contributed by:
Miranda Gilbert
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