Smart Cities? Not Without a Secured Infrastructure!


Smart Cities? Not Without a Secured Infrastructure!

Most developed countries are internet dependent, and a significant number of commercial transactions are carried out through digital platforms. Convenience means everything to a growing number of users, especially since most of relevant matters can be found on the internet.

Smart Cities can’t exist without broadband, whether it is wireless,
fiber, or satellite.

Smart Cities projects will be generating more than $800 billion in revenues by 2025. This represents an exponential growth driven by significantly large investments in IoT technologies, digital platforms, and smart applications.

Regardless of how many solutions are available, integrations with third parties, or the apps that can be found in the markets, today’s Smart Cities technology is 100 percent dependent on the network. Smart Cities can’t exist without broadband, whether it is wireless, fiber, or satellite. 

Communications infrastructure plays a crucial role in making sure platforms run effectively and efficiently, so high bandwidth data transmission is mandatory to be able to properly use “connected devices”. Investments in 5G technology, or even 6G, are mandatory and will serve as the backbone for 100 percent global coverage with guaranteed service levels.

The digital society is in total disruption. The challenge of having complex integration ecosystems, with applications connecting from different providers, hosted in different cloud platforms, and supported and managed by different tech players, requires very deep layers of security.

The risk of cyberattacks has significantly increased, especially in key locations like major cities where transportation systems and power grids are potential targets for international hackers. Both old and new threats require local, state, and federal governments to think and act jointly, yet differently. Cyberattacks can lead to physical or digital harm, resulting in loss of money, as well as other costs to society.

It is mandatory that every company and government agency implement a cybersecurity strategy with continuous investments in security. This includes different types of penetration tests, thereby keeping the software and operating systems up to date, using encrypted (secured) internet communications, strong password types to protect credentials in device configuration files, and two-factor authentication. 

When in doubt, don’t click. Do not provide personal information, protect Wi-Fi networks, and back up files on a regular basis, among others. Backups are more critical than ever, considering the higher volume of activity from wipers, and even by ransomware gangs.

Luis Garma, Chairman. Mobile Smart City, Pango. He can be reached at

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Luis Garma
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