Too Many Questions…

Private investigator Paul Manning and his family had a wonderful time at the Hollywood Bowl. But their parking adventure had turned into a nightmare. They

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So What’s the Problem?

Local journalists in Kent, UK, are reporting shock-horror that Sevenoaks Council is employing two more parking wardens “despite” doubling the amount of money they made

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The Resilience of Parking

I n the past three decades, I have seen three parking “bubbles” in the United States. The 1980s: In 1980, most parking businesses had the

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Designs That Win

Time is money for casino owners. When it comes to parking structures, patrons need to quickly find a space so they can enter into the

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The Unknown Consultant

This is a compilation of the responses from consultants. They, too, wish to remain unknown. Editor. “First and foremost, we agree with many of the

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Transit as a Parking Tool

Parking provides an important asset for a variety of residential, commercial, educational, medical and recreational facilities. The ability to generate the activity that buildings are

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Who the Heck is Sarah?

Private investigator Paul Manning and his family had a wonderful time at the Hollywood Bowl. But their parking adventure had turned into a nightmare. They

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Ghosts in the Garage

Ghosts in the garage? Sounds like something our editor JVH would write about in his “Death by Parking” series. But ghosts can be a problem

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RFID Tags Run Garage Maintenance

Companies with broad spectrums of assets rely on timely reporting for effective management. Most asset management deals with automatic tracking of key assets as they

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The Unknown Vendor

Parking Today sat down with a number of vendors over the past few months and talked about equipment, specifications and consultants. The only way they

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Laz Parking

It was as if they were all sitting in the same room, saying the same things. But the interviews took place a month apart and

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There Is No Win

I know I have railed about this before, but my frustration level is exceeding even catching squirrels, and that’s a lot. I work, slave, even

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The Shopping Cart Derby

There’s a menace in the parking lot. Be it the grocery store, drugstore or shopping mall, the same danger lurks. You park your perfectly innocent

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The Professor Says YES

Don Norte raises two important questions: (1) what is the right price for curb parking, and (2) how many off-street parking spaces should cities require

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Demise of a Reseller

The theme of last month’s issue of Parking Today concerned dealer/distributors or value-added resellers. Many believe that you get the best price by going direct

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Monroe J. Carell Jr.

Monroe J. Carell Jr., the Nashville businessman and philanthropist who built the largest parking company in the world, died June 20th, 2008 at the age

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JVH as Simon Legree

I was honored to be asked to speak at a recent regional meeting of the Virginia Downtown Development Association in Winchester, VA. The topic was

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The 28% Solution

I had a conversation with PT Editor JVH over lunch a month or so ago, and the content of the conversation ended up anonymously in

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Rx for Hospital Parking

Designing hospital parking requires careful attention to the structure’s function. It generally serves a variety of users, including employees, inpatients and outpatient surgery patients, visitors

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The Doctor Responds …

Dr. Donald Shoup of the University of California Los Angeles has copied Parking Today on a couple of responses to organizations he has advised on

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The Amateur Parker …

From the day infants become cognizant, they begin to categorize the people and things around them. One of the first things children learn is to

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Wall Street Wants a Lot in Parking

Investors cannot buy parking lots on stock exchanges. Traders do not swap synthetic options on parking management contracts. Commodity dealers normally refrain from extrapolating the

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